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What is the actual commission that they receive when selling Sunset?

Selling Sunset season seven is finally out, and we just can't get enough.

From explosive confrontations (featuring, unsurprisingly, the majority of cast members) to Mary Fitzgerald opening up about her miscarriage, it’s been yet another emotional and drama-driven ride at the Oppenheim Group this year.

But perhaps one of the most shocking moments was Bre Tiesi claiming she was 'done' (with some expletives thrown in for good measure) following a string of heated spats with Chelsea Lazkani and Cassandra Dawn, leaving her future on the show uncertain.

In addition, Bre also had a disagreement with Jason Oppenheim about the commission split at the O Group, which left a lot of viewers wondering what it amounts to.

So, we’ve done some research into brokering and real estate to work out exactly how much commission these multi-million-dollar sales are bringing home. And while it’s only a fraction of the cost of the property, it’s still pretty big bucks.

Selling Sunset commission

<meta charset="utf-8">Bre (left) also <meta charset="utf-8">had a disagreement with Jason Oppenheim about the commission split at the O Group, which left a lot of viewers wondering what it amounts to.


What's the Selling Sunset commission split?

In the season seven finale, Jason revealed that Oppenheim Group agents are subject to an 80/20 per cent commission split, whereby 80 per cent goes to the agent and 20 per cent to the brokerage.

Say the commission is typically 5 per cent. It is split and shared by the person who represents the seller and the person who brings the buyer. So it would benefit the agent if they represented both the buyer and seller.

According to former O Group agent Maya Vander, the real estate agents take end up taking home about 1.75% of the commission on sale.

'Typically the commission on a purchase is 5 percent,' she said. 'The per cent is split into half for the person who represents the seller and the person who brings the buyer, so you end up with 2.5 per cent. If I bring the buyer, I get 2.5 per cent of the purchase price, but then Jason will take his cut because he’s the broker and he has the liability.' Speaking to Metro.co.uk, Maya continued, 'Typically for a brokerage, it’s about 70/30 split. I would keep 70 per cent out of the 2.5 per cent and he would take 30 per cent. And then we have to pay taxes.' Well, now we know how much they really make.

Co-star Mary Fitzgerald previous told The Express, 'I think the hardest thing in real estate is working for commission only. Spending months sometimes with a client and then they change their minds.'

She continued, 'The best part can also be when a client finds something they love immediately and I make a huge commission with very little effort.This unfortunately is not normally the case, but I have double-ended deals represented the buyer as well on my own listing, so this is the best scenario for an agent.'

Are the Selling Sunset agents paid a salary ?

The real estate agents do not receive a salary from the Oppenheim Group, meaning they make all their money via commissions. If you don't sell a house, you don't get paid!

However, the Selling Sunset girls have created their own opportunities and side hustles which they also earn from too - including their careers at reality TV stars!

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Article information

Author: Philip Henderson

Last Updated: 1703361003

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Author information

Name: Philip Henderson

Birthday: 1941-04-26

Address: 642 Thompson Crossing, Jasonchester, PA 69394

Phone: +3520004036882947

Job: Real Estate Agent

Hobby: Poker, Telescope Building, Baking, Billiards, Camping, Cooking, Meditation

Introduction: My name is Philip Henderson, I am a Adventurous, risk-taking, vivid, daring, variegated, unyielding, radiant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.